Bose & Mitra & Co.


Shipping has been our core speciality since the inception of our Mumbai office in the year 2004 and we pride ourselves as being the leading Shipping Law Firm in India. We represent the full spectrum of those involved in the industry, including ship owners and charterers, P&I Clubs, banks, international agencies, shipyards, marine insurance underwriters, the various limbs of the Indian government and brokers. We have a large clientele in North European, Greek, Korean, Singaporean, Chinese and Japanese markets. Furthermore, we provide extensive advice on the Indian regulations governing the maritime sector including various regulations promulgated by the office of the Director General of Shipping (Ministry of Shipping) dealing with various facets of shipping, cabotage regulations, implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 in India etc.

Ship Arrest & Release

Securing a maritime claim by way of arrest is one of the most potent and most effective methods of protecting a claimant. We understand and appreciate the complexities and the urgencies in which an application of arrest is required to be moved in Court. Being a young firm with considerable experience we are nimble and are able to move swiftly to seek appropriate orders before the Admiralty Courts in India in a days notice. We are actively involved in ship arrests and/or release in the Gujarat High Court, Bombay High Court, Karnataka High Court, Kerala High Court, Madras High Court , Andhra Pradesh High Court, Orissa High Court and Calcutta High Court.

Dry matters

Over the past two decades, we have been involved in a wide range of charterparty disputes, dealing with a vast variety of issues relating to laytime & demurrage, off hire, withdrawal for non-payment of hire, vessel delivery and redelivery, failure to tender redelivery notices, bunker claims, speed claims etc. Additionally, we represent clients in arbitrations stemming from a charterparty.

We have acted for and against cargo interests, in relation to cargo claims and short-landing claims stemming from bills of lading. In addition, we have been involved in numerous cases, wherein shipowners face liability for delivering cargo without production of the bill of lading, cases involving switching of bills of lading, splitting of bills of lading and letters of indemnity. We have also provided advice and appeared in arbitrations relating to commodity sale contracts.