Bose & Mitra & Co.

Non-Contentious /
Transactional matters

We are one of the few firms in India having considerable expertise in ship sale and purchase transactions. Our firm deals with sale and/or purchase for both second-hand and new-built vessels and also deals with preparing ship-building contracts. We assist ship-owners for registration both under Indian Flag and Foreign Flags. Prior to the purchase of the vessel, we negotiate the terms of the contract, namely, the Memorandum of Agreement and the Addenda thereto which defines the rights and obligations of both the parties and allocates risks to be borne by the parties We provide assistance in drafting and vetting the various agreements associated with the sale including ship and crew management contracts and performance guarantees. Our firm instils full trust in the prospective Seller or the prospective Buyer and attends to the entire process of the transactions till the deal is completed.

Our firm is actively involved in advising foreign banks on mortgage registration of the vessels bought by Indian Companies in the Indian Shipping Registry. Our firm also handles the registration and discharge of mortgages on the vessels in the Indian Shipping Registry and also in the Indian Register of Companies. Our firm acts on behalf of banks and financial institutions. We advise them on various compliance, regulatory and other general banking matters to ship finance in India.