Bose & Mitra & Co.

Marine Casualty Investigation

We have worked on some of the most high profile shipping casualties occurring in Indian waters such as the Maersk Honam, Coral Star, Genessa, SSL Kolkata, MV Amber, Tiger Spring, MSC Chitra – Khalija, Pavit, DenDen, Ocean Seraya over the past two decades, encompassing collision, salvage, general average, unseaworthiness, fire, explosion, groundings and wreck removal. Our lawyers have gone on board Vessels, to obtain statements from the seafarers and work in close coordination with surveyors and port state control authorities. We are presently involved in a trial, in a mass tort litigation, on behalf of fishermen affected by the oil spill emanating from the MSC Chitra. “We have also undertaken pro bono work in advising various government agencies and regulatory authorities in responding to marine casualties.